INDIANAPOLIS---The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) today announced that it will discuss student-athletes' involvement in promotional activities and endorsements at the June Academic, Eligibility, and Compliance Cabinet (AEC) meeting in Indianapolis.
The Agent and Amateurism Subcommittee of the AEC Cabinet agreed to invite experts in the area of promotional activities, in addition to faculty, student-athletes, marketing agents, and NCAA staff members. Each group will present its views on the subject of promotional activities and endorsements in an effort to continue the education of the membership on the issue and offer any recommendations for legislative changes.
"This is a topic that has been in the headlines recently and that is of significant interest to student-athletes," said NCAA President Myles Brand. "Under no condition should we abandon the basic principles of amateurism and the way in which endorsements affect that principle, but we also need to ensure that the standard is applied fairly and supports student-athletes."
The Agent and Amateurism Subcommittee conducted a review of the promotional activities and endorsement legislation in 1999. The subcommittee recommended no changes to the legislation at that time.
"Times change and the rules should be reviewed in that context," Brand said. "The goal of the review should be to accommodate the needs of student-athletes while we preserve the unique nature of college sports."
At its July 2003 meeting in California, the Division I Student Athletes Advisory Committee (SAAC) included in its report to the Division I Management Council the need for another review of the endorsement legislation. The Management Council agreed with SAAC and referred the assignment to the Agent and Amateurism Subcommittee for further action.
No timetable has been set for when the review will conclude, but the June meeting will serve as the catalyst for identifying current issues and possible changes to existing legislation.