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NCAA News Release

NCAA grants progress-toward-degree waiver to UCLA football student-athlete Tab Perry

For Immediate Release

Friday, September 3, 2004

Gail Dent
Associate Director of Public and Media Relations

INDIANAPOLIS---The NCAA membership services staff has granted a progress-toward-degree waiver to UCLA wide receiver Tab Perry. The waiver makes Perry immediately eligible to participate in athletic competition.

In granting the waiver, the NCAA membership services staff cited Perry's reasonable and aggressive academic plan that moves him toward earning a degree at UCLA within one year. Perry's outstanding performance in UCLA's summer academic term, which included an improved grade-point-average and significant course credits earned during the summer session, also was cited as reason for the approval.

The membership services staff concluded that Perry had significantly improved his overall academic record and had shown significant progress with his summer school performance.

[Editor's note: Perry's granted his permission for the NCAA to discuss the reasons for the waiver. NCAA cell phone numbers: Jeff Howard, NCAA managing director of public and media relations, 317/966-9354; Wally Renfro, NCAA senior advisor to the president for communications, 317/407-4370; Gail Dent, NCAA associate director for public and media relations, 317/966-6783.]


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