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NCAA News Release

NCAA Statement Regarding Gateway's Offer To Underwrite A Postseason Football Game Between Louisiana State University And The University Of Southern California

For Immediate Release

Monday, January 12, 2004
Wallace I. Renfro
Senior Advisor to the President for Communications

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE---Gateway Computers has it wrong about who will make the decision regarding postseason football in Division I-A. The decision will not be made by the NCAA staff. It will be made by college presidents in Division I-A. Many of those presidents have not been supportive of a playoff. Coaches are not supportive of a playoff.

Anyone who believes that higher education would jump at a cynical publicity stunt is mistaken and missing the point. This is exactly the type of inappropriate intrusion of commercialism that I warned the membership of yesterday in my speech to the NCAA Convention. It puts all the emphasis on intercollegiate athletics as entertainment and erodes the critical concept that the welfare of the student-athlete is paramount.

--Myles Brand, NCAA President

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