INDIANAPOLIS --- Ronald Stratten, the NCAA vice-president for education services, has been named chair of the Indiana Arts Commission. Stratten had previously served as the Commission’s vice chair.
Stratten, who was first appointed to the Commission by the late Governor Frank O’Bannon in April 2000, will help lead the agency in development of a new five-year strategic plan during this initial term as chair. In addition to presiding over all Commission business meetings and planning, Stratten will lead the Commission’s executive committee and serve as ex-officio member to each of the agency’s standing committees.
"Ronald’s previous experience in organizational development, strategic planning and effective team-building will be a tremendous asset as the Commission begins refining its direction for the next five years," said IAC Executive Director Dorothy L. Ilgen.
The Commission is charged with the responsibility of “serving as a public catalyst, partner and investor in the arts by funding, encouraging, promoting and expanding the arts in Indiana,” Ilgen said.
The IAC’s fiscal year began on July 1 and will run through the end of June, when a new slate of officers may be elected. Stratten is the first African-American to serve as chair of the Commission.
Stratten oversees the education outreach, First Team Mentoring, and the Hall of Champions staff for the NCAA.