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NCAA News Release

Statement by Kevin C. Lennon, NCAA Vice President for Membership Services, on Oak Hill Academy

For Immediate Release

Friday, July 21, 2006

Bob Williams

Managing Director of Public

and Media Relations


"Based on information received from Oak Hill Academy, the NCAA has determined that grades, graduation and core courses from Oak Hill may be used in the NCAA initial eligibility process.

"After identifying irregularities in some of the academic information submitted to the NCAA for student-athletes from Oak Hill, the NCAA determined that additional information was needed before a final decision could be made regarding its status in the initial eligibility process. The issues identified centered on irregular course work and grade patterns during enrollment at Oak Hill.

"As part of the review process, the NCAA visited Oak Hill and requested specific information regarding the issues identified. Oak Hill was fully cooperative in the process and provided detailed answers to the issues identified.

"At no time was Oak Hill on a “not cleared” list; rather, the NCAA had specific areas of concern to address with Oak Hill and the school subsequently provided comprehensive responses.

"It is important to note that ensuring NCAA student athletes are academically prepared before admission is a shared responsibility. Colleges and universities need to continue to make admissions decisions based on the academic demands of their respective institutions.

"Presidents in Divisions I and II, based on concerns raised on how certain prospective student-athletes were gaining their NCAA eligibility, adopted legislation to provide for the review of high school and individual prospective student-athlete records in the initial eligibility process.

"The review of high schools in this process is an on-going effort and future irregularities could result in further review. In addition, as part of the initial eligibility process, if irregularities exist in an individual prospective student-athlete’s record, that student-athlete’s record may be reviewed and invalidated."


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