“The NCAA Student Records Review Group, comprised of representatives of NCAA member colleges and universities and high school educators from across the country, today upheld an NCAA staff decision that Jerrell Powe of Mississippi has not successfully completed the initial eligibility requirements to compete in intercollegiate athletics.
“The NCAA stressed it is concerned about Mr. Powe’s long-term well-being and that he has not yet demonstrated he can successfully manage the demands of full-time college academics and intercollegiate athletics.
“Among its concerns, the group noted there was insufficient information provided to the NCAA to determine that Mr. Powe completed the work on his own without significant assistance. It also expressed concern that Mr. Powe completed a vast amount of coursework in a limited amount of time that was much shorter than the average time it takes students to complete BYU independent study courses.
“Mr. Powe could go back to high school and meet his initial eligibility criteria, as the NCAA provides accommodation for students with learning disabilities to correct academic deficiencies, which is not available to other student-athletes. Mr. Powe could also enroll immediately at a junior college, attend classes and play football.”